The first photo is me picking apples from one of my trees. I live on an apple orchard near Yosemite and own a hard cider company called Sierra Cider.
The second photo is a glamour shot I took aboard a cruise ship.
The third photo is me at San Diego Comic-Con cosplaying as Captain Quint from Jaws, getting eaten by Jaws from Jaws.
Outside of being a an copywriter/apple farmer/cider maker, I like theme parks, comic books, cool jackets, tiki drinks, and pastrami.
I collect coffee pots, I go see a movie in the theater at least once a week, and I celebrate Halloween from Labor Day to mid-November.
I don’t get why the words “good” and “food” don’t rhyme, but if I had to pick, I’d have “food” rhyme with “good.” Say it in your head right now. It’s fun, right? It sounds a lot like “foot,” but that kind of makes it better.